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Embrace AI, build a new future of sustainable development | big coffee discuss "wisdom" together, ride the wave of AI

From June 5th to 6th, "Creating the Era, Leading the future of the industry" 2024 ZhongCONG Global New Product Conference was successfully held in Singapore。Nearly 300 colleagues from the industry's top enterprises, multinational organizations and associations from 20 countries and regions around the world gathered at the scene,This conference through the subversive new product release, big coffee on "wisdom", peak dialogue, multi-field seminars and creative offline interactive exhibition,For online and offline participants brought a trans-era significance of the technology feast。Let the world witness the perseverance and strength of Zhongkong technology based on the forefront of the industry, focusing on customer needs, accelerating technological research and application of major disruptive products, and leading industrial innovation and development;It has also further strengthened the confidence and pace of Zhongkang Technology's transformation into a global leader in industrial AI, and the use of AI to promote sustainable industrial development。

The conference, with the theme of "Embracing AI, Building a New Sustainable Future", invited Bob Gill, General Manager of ARC Consulting Group Southeast Asia Region, and Christian H, an independent member of the Supervisory Board of PGN.Siboro, Brad Lee, rotating Chairman of EMQ, Shan Cui, Chairman and President of China Control Technologies, and Kazuhito Yokoi, Solutions Architect at Hitachi, are five industry experts and global business leaders,On the changes of artificial intelligence to the industry, the landing application of AI technology, a new generation of disruptive control systems, the construction of global ecology and other topics,展开深入探讨交流,凝智共识,共谋产业高质发展。Bob Gill moderated the roundtable。

Bob Gill: At present, new technologies such as industrial Internet, big data, digital twin, AI and other new technologies are increasingly integrated into the process industry. How do you see the opportunities and challenges brought by new technologies, especially generative artificial intelligence, to the process industry?

Brad Lee:In the past two years, many industry buzzwords about generative artificial intelligence have been frequently mentioned, and I firmly believe that generative artificial intelligence is definitely the future direction of technology。However, at present, such emerging technologies still face a lot of uncertainties, involving government regulatory policies, whether the reserve and quality of data sets are enough to support large-scale language model training, and whether enterprise R&D personnel have relevant AI skill reserves。So enterprises need to continue to explore and choose when thinking about how to properly deploy generative AI technology。

Christian H.Siboro:Cutting-edge technological innovation can bring many emerging development prospects and business opportunities to enterprises。For example, at PGN, we are currently faced with high costs caused by long product development cycles, unpredictable emergencies, and cumbersome production processes。The rise of artificial intelligence technology is undoubtedly an opportunity to solve PGN's current dilemma。At the same time, we will encourage employees to change their traditional habits and mindsets, and adopt emerging technologies to truly transform the company from the inside out。

崔山:The concept of artificial intelligence is not a completely new concept in the process industry, and many technologies have been based on data modeling to achieve industrial enhancement in the past。But when ChatGPT came along, the sheer scale of the data calculus it demonstrated reinforced the value that data brought。Through the full application of artificial intelligence technology, many problems faced by traditional industries will be solved, which will bring explicit advantages such as efficiency improvement and revenue increase。In the future, Zhongcong technology will also go all out to help customers succeed with technological research and development innovation。

Kazuhito Yokoi:At Hitachi, we've gone deep into some AI projects where, by using generative AI, our plant engineers can develop and generate custom code to get final calculations from massive amounts of data。Before the introduction of generative AI, plant engineers needed to ask IT engineers to direct the development of entire systems, but now, plant engineers can create and expand their role in the IT space。Such a shift could shorten the process and time required for innovation research and development。

Bob Gill: The UCS released this time is a new "software-defined" control system that subverts the physical form of traditional DCS. What new value creation do you think such a completely innovative product will bring to the enterprise?

Christian H.Siboro:UCS is bound to solve many of the enterprise run-level problems。For example, PGN has a lot of storage and monitoring equipment related to natural gas pipelines. If abnormal conditions such as leakage or corrosion occur, personnel are usually required to go to the site for on-site inspection, which actually has a certain delay。The emergence of UCS can monitor the factory equipment in real time and preventatively, so as to avoid the occurrence of safety accidents and parking accidents。Most importantly, UCS enables predictive modeling and action based on future control parameters。

Kazuhito Yokoi:Hitachi has a lot of edge devices, how to manage these devices centrally is very difficult。UCS's ability to capture and analyze data from a single cabinet is impressive。I think UCS is a very promising solution for the vast majority of people to enhance the overall performance of the business。

崔山:It is very clear that the emergence of UCS can bring significant cost reduction value to the enterprise, about 80% of the cable cost will disappear。Secondly, UCS breaks the barriers between traditional OT, IT and AT, and all applications can operate optimally independently with just one click, which is not only the optimization of labor costs, but also a breakthrough innovation for enterprises。At present, UCS has achieved commercial application, and the central control technology is expected to support more enterprises to achieve digital intelligence value breakthroughs。

Bob Gill: Taking the process industry's first time-series large-scale model TPT, which was released today, as an example, combined with the actual needs and pain points of their respective enterprises, please talk about the typical value and application prospects that generative AI technology may bring to their respective enterprises and even the industry。

Brad Lee:EMQ has been thinking about how to link the physical world and artificial intelligence through software。Our cooperation with CTC on UCS is to realize the transfer of log data between machines through our software。I think the prospect of generative AI is very optimistic, but it is still in the stage of product productivity development, and the future research and development of deep-seated AI as a product itself needs to be continuously explored。

崔山:TPT has undoubtedly opened up a new way for plant operation in the process industry。首先,TPT has created a new model of supporting multiple application scenarios through one piece of software,Can help enterprises save a lot of software costs;secondly,TPT通过海量数据的获取和训练,It shows amazing adaptability across devices and working conditions,To provide enterprises with more inclusive and reliable production optimization。With TPT, we believe we can make more of the traditional industrial impossible possible。

Christian H.Siboro:As a petrochemical company, PGN really needs predictive maintenance to ensure the stable and safe operation of its equipment。PGN currently generates time series data, but these data are only recorded as logs and are not fully used。With the advent of TPT, our time series data can be further analyzed to make more accurate predictions about the device。

Bob Gill: The accelerated implementation of AI technology in the future needs to strengthen ecological construction in terms of industry and technology. How to build AI ecology? How do you practice it in your company or field?

Kazuhito Yokoi:AI生态与开源生态有一定相似性。In the construction of the open source ecosystem, we define the software architecture, and then complete the function implementation with code. Through daily activity communication, new functions and new knowledge are shared among ecological partners。I believe these lessons can be reused in the AI ecosystem。

Brad Lee:The advent of the AI era has prompted many software companies to start thinking about architecture reshaping and optimization, and in this era, EMQ has also reached a partnership with central control technology, which was difficult to achieve 10 years ago。In the age of AI, business models, ecosystems, and partners need to evolve。

崔山:In the age of AI, ecosystem building is critical for all businesses。It is precisely because of these ecological cooperation that central control technology can come to today。In the general trend of artificial intelligence, enterprises can not fight alone。Everything from computing power, data centers, algorithms, modeling, talent, and even government policy requires every partner in the ecosystem to work together to create value for the process industry。

Bob Gill: The embrace of AI is no longer a choice question, it's a requirement。In the future, how do you think enterprises and industries should make better use of the value of AI technology and jointly promote the progress of society?

Brad Lee:Personally, I believe that current AI is disruptive, has a huge scale, and can completely change the way enterprises operate。It's important for all organizations to be ready for generative AI, including pioneering practices at the data level for operations, management, storage, and use cases。

Christian H.Siboro:Technological innovation and enterprise evolution complement each other。Data preparation, operational processes, personnel reserves, and ways of thinking within the enterprise all need to be prepared to develop in tandem with technological innovation。For enterprises, there needs to be a consensus on the use of AI technology from the top to the bottom operators。

崔山:In the era of artificial intelligence, the talent pool in AI is the primary challenge for enterprises, and enterprises need new blood to join to support innovative development。Secondly, in the era of AI, not only technological innovation, but also all individual concepts, organizational structures, and business models need to be synchronized。Resource reserve, talent cultivation, ecosystem construction, and customer application scenario development are all necessary preparations to maximize the value of AI technology。

In the industrial field, the deep integration of generative artificial intelligence and industry has moved from theoretical research to practical application stage。This "Embracing AI, Building a New Future of Sustainable Development" roundtable dialogue fully explored the application value of disruptive product technology innovation in the AI era to the industry, and also created a platform for the future mutually beneficial and win-win industrial AI ecological construction。Zhongcontrol Technology will continue to build a competitive advantage of "AI+ data" as the core, become a global leading enterprise in industrial AI, promote sustainable industrial development with AI, and work together with global ecological partners to lead the leapfrog development of the industrial AI era。
