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On September 21, the 14th China International Petrochemical Conference was held in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province。With the theme of "Harnessing Uncertainty to Promote Green Recovery", the conference brought together the world's top petrochemical companies and experts to discuss the new opportunities and challenges facing China and the global petrochemical industry in the era of intelligence。


在本届大会“足彩网站技术未来工厂创新发展论坛”上,围绕生产过程自动化(Process Automation,PA) and Business Automation,BA) Two core directions,足彩网站技术一批新架构、新产品、新方案相继Blockbuster release,Inject new momentum into the future development of process industry,Aroused widespread concern in the industry。


Li Yongliang, director of the Comprehensive Office and deputy director of the Industrial Development Department of China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation, said in a speech that at present, the development of China's petrochemical industry has made historic changes, and the industrial structure has accelerated to high-end, refined and specialized。作为石化行业领域顶尖的solution供应商,Zhongcong Technology is committed to promoting industrial development,"Innovation" as the driving force,Take "development" as the direction,将未来工厂建设更好融入企业发展战略,To enhance core competitiveness and enhance the value chain,We will explore new models and forms of business,Create industry-leading intelligent manufacturing benchmark,Enable digital transformation and intelligent upgrading of enterprises in the industry。In the face of the changes of the world, The Times and the situation, we need enterprises such as Zhongcong Technology to promote the green recovery of the petrochemical industry and the green and high-quality development of enterprises。


Cui Shan, Chairman and President of Zhongcong Technology, expressed his sincere thanks to the friends who came to the meeting site and paid attention to Zhongcong technology。He said that this year is the 30th anniversary of the founding of the company。Zhongcong has been deeply cultivating process industry for 30 years,Adhere to technological innovation,It is committed to providing the process industry with innovative leading practices from control systems, instruments, industrial software and other products to 5T technology, industrial metauniverse, industrial AI and so on,足彩网站技术在推动行业自动化、数字化、智能化的道路上,结合足彩网站30年的行业Know-how和知识沉淀,Continue to lead the process industry transformation and upgrading。


基于足彩网站对流程工业多年的积累和认知,对客户痛点、需求的洞察以及对未来发展趋势的思考,We put forward two core automation by implementing "Production process Automation PA" and "Business Operation Automation BA",构建实现智慧企业、智能工厂的清晰框架结构,The clear implementation path of the transformation from traditional factory to future factory with intelligent autonomous operation and excellent operation is given。At the same time, it also integrates a large number of AI technology applications into products and solutions to promote the digital transformation and intelligent upgrading of the process industry。On the road of future development, we will always face the global customers, adhere to the continuous innovation of technology, use rich industry accumulation and industrial wisdom, improve the level of industrial intelligence, and continue to create value for customers。


Zhongcong "PA+BA" intelligent enterprise architectureFirst full explanation

At present, the process industry is evolving from Industry 3.0 to industry 4.0 Accelerate transformation,Bring the enterprise production management mode reshaping,Zhao Lujun, president of the Technical consulting solution Department of Zhongcong, pointed out when introducing the "PA+BA" intelligent enterprise architecture of Zhongcong,For quite some time in the past,The traditional enterprise business structure generally follows the state of production control, production management and operation management,There are many "data islands" and "application islands",The application of technology is disconnected from the management business,很多系统处于“不能用、不实用、不好用”的尴尬境界,企业经营、管理与控制的一体化问题始终未能得到较好的解决。


The "PA+BA" intelligent enterprise architecture aims to realize the interconnection integration of all elements of enterprise production and collaborative intelligence of enterprise operation, the key of which is to solve the problems of data system construction, model system construction and scenario-based application software in enterprises。


The "PA+BA" intelligent enterprise architecture will ultimately help enterprise data open up and down, connect left and right, and collaborate with intelligence, better liberate people's physical and mental labor, and achieve the development goals of safety, efficiency, and leadership。At present, based on the "PA+BA" intelligent enterprise architecture of Zhongkong, Zhongkong Technology has joined hands with Guangdong Petrochemical, Guangxi Huayi, Shaanxi Coal Yulin and many other process industry leaders to jointly create a number of typical industry benchmarks。


A new generation of intelligent operation management and control systemOMC 2.0Blockbuster release

Since July 2022,足彩网站新一代智能运行与管理Control system(OMC)正式发布以来,足彩网站OMC系统在业内引起了广泛关注,It has been fully applied in dozens of leading enterprises in Hubei Sanning, Guangdong Petrochemical, Wanhua Chemical, Xingfa Group and other industries,实现流程工业从自动化到智能自主化运行的重大创新和升级。


Yao Jie, president of the R&D platform Department of Zhongcong Technology, said at the press conference that the application of OMC system has been recognized by the market, which has brought great confidence to Zhongcong technology。OMC 2.0 Based on OMC system's existing factory operating system, industrial AIoT, advanced industrial network, intelligent optimization, model prediction and other technical advantages,It further integrates APL, controller cluster, AI model and AI intelligent assistant, mechanism model, virtual reality, intelligent scheduling and other key technologies,The overall effect of system identification is more comprehensive, evaluation is deeper, decision-making is more intelligent, and execution is more efficient。


Central control OMC 2.On the basis of intelligent autonomous operation, 0 embodies three typical characteristics: extreme interconnection - based on advanced industrial network technology,Achieve full data aggregation of factory production,Hardware plug and play,Data transmission on high speed;Virtual and real intelligent control - intelligent control combined with online simulation and simulation technology,Enable users to precipitate experience,Predictive operation results support rapid process improvement,提升生产效益;全域优化——多领域技术叠加工业Know-how,Multi-unit regional control, multi-dimensional online optimization of operation and process and collaboration with whole-plant intelligent scheduling are realized。足彩网站A new generation of intelligent operation management and control systemOMC 2.0,是PA领域智能化时代的匠心之作和核心利器。


White paper on future factory construction released

To create an ecological win-win situation under the dual drive of data wisdom,本次论坛还举行了未来工厂建设白皮书的发布仪式,Xingfa Group R & D Director, deputy general manager Liu Chang,中石油广东石化科技发展部主任张元礼,Huayi Group intelligent manufacturing center deputy director Dai Yongming,Cui Shan, Chairman and president of Zhongcong Technology,足彩网站技术高级副总裁郭飚上台共同开启发布。


首次发布的三本白皮书基于足彩网站技术众多的典型项目案例,Adhere to the principle of selecting the best from the best and benchmarking,Finally formed the "control technology - Guangdong Petrochemical Industry Future Factory Practice White Paper", "control technology - Guangxi Huayi Coal Chemical Industry Future Factory Practice White Paper" and "control technology - Xingfa Group chlor-alkali Industry Future Factory Practice White Paper".。


The three white papers are based on the current situation of the industry,Be trend-oriented,Opportunities and challenges from the industry,Zhongcong "PA+BA" intelligent enterprise architecture助力自主运行及卓越运营,Project construction details and application results,The industry's future factory outlook and other aspects fully show a series of exploration and practice of Zhongcong technology in recent years to build smart factories together with partners,为流程工业企业数字化转型、智能化升级提供了宝贵的经验和路径。


Benchmarking leads the transformation and upgrading of process industry

Supported by the three product technology platforms of OMC system, factory operating system + industrial APP, and Process Industrial Process Simulation and Design Platform (APEX), ZhongC Technology provides customers with multi-scenario smart factory value solutions。At this meeting, Wanhua Chemical and Inner Mongolia Xingfa shared their experience in promoting the construction of smart factories and building digital enterprises together with Zhongcong Technology。

Wanhua Chemical Information Center general manager Xu Jianguang on "Wanhua Chemical intelligent manufacturing thinking and exploration" elaborated the "smart Wanhua" overall planning and practical exploration。在与万华化学携手开展的智能工厂项目中,To "build digital intelligence advantage.,Building wisdom Wanhua "as the vision,Central control technology combined with specific business control requirements,"PA+BA" as the core architecture,基于本质安全打造自动化、数字化、智能化的智能制造平台,Improve the management efficiency of every link in Wanhua Chemical's production and operation from the aspects of production management, quality management, safety and environmental protection in the park,Support Wanhua excellent manufacturing system landing。


Wang Jian, director of chlor-alkali workshop of Inner Mongolia Xingfa Technology Co., Ltd. shared his experience in the construction and operation of chlor-alkali industry intelligent Operation Management and Control System (OMC) Application as the theme,Relying on the central control OMC system,The whole process of caustic soda plant is started and stopped with one key,Coordinated control of upstream and downstream,Intelligent autonomous operation,Black screen operation,Greatly reduce the labor intensity and staffing of posts。建成了本质安全、环保、节能低碳的氯碱生产工厂,打造了无人操作、无人巡检、无人记录的智能化工厂,构建了稳定、精细化管理的生产运营管控体系,是氯碱行业首家Intelligent autonomous operation的标杆工厂,为氯碱行业乃至全国化工企业高质量发展树立行业典范。


With 5T technology core competencePromote industry智变

5T technology is the first central control technology,Solve problems that no single technology can solve,Support major industry needs of process industry,Define and reshape new business scenarios,Technology based on the deep integration of automation technology AT, information technology IT, process technology PT, operation technology OT and equipment technology ET。It is supported by 5T,For critical challenges and critical demand scenarios,High-end customized business for value creation,Through catalyst design based on quantitative calculation, equipment amplification and design based on CFD, process optimization based on full process simulation, industrial data insight and application based on AI, etc,Central control technology continues to promote industrial "intelligent change"。


Wu Yucheng, assistant to the president of Zhongkeng Technology and president of the 5T Technology Department, said that the concept of ZhongKeng 5T integration is oriented to solve major problems in the industry and help the transformation and upgrading of the process industry, and the current ZhongKeng technology has applied industrial AI technology to the development of solutions, catalysts and intelligent equipment。以足彩网站InPlant IBD 工业AI应用开发系统为例,该智能系统可以支撑流程工业的各种应用需求,A set of standard flow from data integration, processing and modeling to application and control integration is constructed,实现了从数据到信息、到模型、到决策再返回工厂的全流程闭环。


Digital twins lead the future of manufacturing:Zhongcong Technology meta factory solution released

Shen Tifeng, general manager of the meta-universe solution Department of Zhongcong Technology, pointed out in the sharing that the meta-factory is a solution to support the transformation of enterprises to the next generation of production mode, which will realize the integration and symbiosis of real factories and twin factories, covering many aspects such as factory equipment, process materials, organizational benefits, and personal performance。


Shen Tifeng made an in-depth description of the central control unit factory from three aspects: physical twin, process twin and benefit twin。Physical twinning opens up the full life cycle of the design, construction, delivery, operation and maintenance of enterprise assets,Digitize and visualize assets,Integrate into production and operation;Process twinning works by establishing a mechanism model and a big data model for the process,Complete characterization and prediction of the plant production process;Benefit twin through the establishment of plant planning model, plant optimization model, individual process performance evaluation model,Three in one to achieve the ultimate benefit of twinning,Support enterprises to optimize operational decisions。


Digital delivery drives digital twin applications

In 2023, Zhongcong Technology and Beijing Damison Software Co., Ltd. completed industrial integration and capital cooperation, forming a new industrial chain of technological innovation and ecological co-construction。


Chen Jinsong, director and deputy general manager of Beijing Damison Software Co., LTD., said in the sharing of "Enabling industrial innovation, Digital Delivery Drives digital twin applications" that with the development of Industry 4.0和智能制造的发展,数字化转型已经成为工业企业的必然选择。As an important means of digital transformation, digital delivery can help enterprises establish engineering data centers and form high-quality data assets to serve the plant operation and maintenance period and digital twin applications。This presentation focused on the concept, characteristics, value and typical industrial examples of Delta's digital delivery and digital twin application solutions, giving you a deeper understanding of the application prospects and challenges of these two technologies, and how to use them to enable industrial innovation。


Digital intelligence transformation Enable the petrochemical industry to develop in high quality


On the morning of September 21, the 14th China International Petrochemical Conference (CPCIC) "Sustainable Development Forum" was held in Ningbo。Yu Haibin, senior vice president of Zhongkong Technology, said in the "Thinking and Practice of low-carbon transformation of process industrial Enterprises" that digital intelligence has promoted industrial transformation and upgrading, and changed the operation mode and management mode of enterprises。Central control technology continues to accelerate the development of digital and intelligent applications, injecting new impetus into the development of the petrochemical industry。Through the integration of 5T technology, combined with the current advantages of central control technology in automation technology and information technology, the layout of low-carbon technology and equipment technology, breaking the barriers between different technical systems, forming new technical solutions for the overall operation of enterprises, and helping the process industry to deeply decarbonize。在装置的操作优化当中,AI也起着重要作用。Through the deep combination of AI application and industrial mechanism and industrial experience, we can solve more and more complex industrial problems。


On the afternoon of September 21st,Tian Lijun, general manager of the dual-carbon Business Development Department of China Control Technology, made the "Low-carbon Operation of Digital Empowered Enterprises - Experience Sharing of Carbon-Energy Integrated Solutions in the Petrochemical Industry" at the "Sino-Japan Industrial Dialogue" of the 14th China International Petrochemical Conference (CPCIC).,能耗与工艺过程是石化企业主要的排放源,传统的节能方案是单项技术与简单技术叠加,Central control technology puts forward the solution of carbon and energy integration,Carbon reduction through improved energy efficiency,To systematize energy-saving ideas,In terms of intelligent and refined carbon energy management, improving the energy conversion efficiency of public works, improving the energy utilization rate of process main devices, and energy recovery, we will create 5T solutions for energy saving and carbon reduction in the central control industry,Enable enterprises to achieve the goal of low-carbon operation。


智能技术在加速流程工业数实融合步伐的同时,In the face of changes unseen in a century,Global industrial companies are also facing big challenges,Like geopolitics.,Production safety and supply chain stability problems are prominent,绿色低碳及可持续成为企业长期发展硬性要求,Enterprise data productivity needs to be further unlocked,Enterprise development resilience and prospects facing challenges。


产业数字化是流程工业企业应对全球性挑战的重要手段,For thirty years,Central control technology rooted technology,Deep farming industry,始终致力于为流程工业提供领先的自动化产品及solution,In the future, it will also continue to promote the digital and intelligent process of the global process industry with a more powerful attitude。

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